Where to Place a Commercial Air Conditioner?

Installing an air conditioner unit just as close to the window works best for a business building. But some of you might argue that high walls are a much greater place to make the most cooling environment. How about the northeast side of the wall? Questions like these frequently pop up on our minds when it is finally the time to install a brand new air conditioner for your business. 

However, choosing the right location is not a personal choice. It combines accessibility, safety, and efficiency to make the space comfortable and cool. While you don’t have the right guidance, considering an air conditioning service in Newcastle is the key. 

In this blog, we will look at each of the factors that professionals consider to locate your commercial AC unit for best performance.

7 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Location for Commercial AC Installation

Here are a few factors that professionals consider before choosing the right place for air conditioner installation. 

  • Accessibility for Maintenance:

Professionals always make sure that the location of the AC unit is easy to reach. This allows you or their team to service or maintain the unit for any future problems. 

Having said that, air conditioners require periodic servicing like filter changes, cleaning, and inspection. If a technician giving air conditioning service in Newcastle can access the unit easily, this will not interfere with your business activities and will reduce the maintenance costs as well. 

When installing indoor units, professionals ensure to place AC close to electrical connections, drainage systems, and filters. And while installing outdoor units, they place the unit on roofs, ground-level areas, or utility spaces.

  • Airflow and Ventilation:

Next, AC installers choose a location that allows proper airflow and ventilation. When installing an indoor component, technicians scan the area for any wall, ceiling, or other objects that can impact the cool air from flowing around freely. 

Placing an indoor unit free from any obstruction allows the AC to work smoothly and without consuming more energy. Similarly, professionals from Onsite air conditioning service in Newcastle check the outdoor ventilation to allow the heat to pass away easily. For this reason, they avoid placing the outdoor units in hidden areas or next to large structures. 

  • Noise Reduction:

While premium brands will feature noise-free air conditioning systems, you cannot always guarantee the units to be completely noise-free. That is why, placing the air conditioner in locations that will not impact important business undertakings is quite crucial. 

In corporate settings, professionals fit indoor systems in halls, storage rooms, and other areas where important business discussions are less likely to occur. 

And if the conference rooms or lounge areas need an air conditioner, technicians either place them away from the head of the table or seating arrangements or use ducted air conditioners. 

  • Local Building and Environmental Compliance:

Adhering to local building codes and environment regulations are another aspect that goes into choosing the right place for commercial AC installation. Onsite air conditioning service in Newcastle has a team of professionals who will place the indoor system in a sufficient distance from the other electrical systems. 

As this can cause fire or other damage, safe distance from other infrastructure also allows air conditioners to run efficiently. Similarly, when installing an outdoor system, they obey the zoning laws and noise-free parameters to avoid any legal problems. 

  • Available Space and Building Layout:

Professionals consider the available space and the building layout to find the right location. For example, when installing indoor AC units, they consider the room’s layouts, windows, and height, and open spaces to allow cool air to spread across every corner of the room. 

If it is a multi-storey building, they can locate every system to balance the cooling load. It is best to choose a company like Onsite air conditioning service in Newcastle who also considers strategic outdoor unit locations for keeping the AC performance at its best. 

  • Structural Support:

Professionals look for the weight of the structure which bears the weight of the AC unit to make the final decision. An AC with a good structural support runs without any system failure or damage. This is especially useful for outdoor units as they contain fans and condensers which together makes the whole unit heavy. 

For outdoor locations, professionals consider the level of the concrete or wall to be stable. In some cases, it is a good idea to use wall brackets to mount an outdoor component as long as they are secure and strong. 

  • Aesthetics:

Last but not the least, aesthetics are important too. Professionals take care of interior decor at its best and use ceiling gaps or false walls to blend aesthetics into the installation process. 

Final Words

We hope you found the blog useful. Clearly, choosing the right location for installing a commercial air conditioner requires quite a comprehensive understanding of the layout. This includes areas which are easily accessible, safe, promotes airflow, comply with local building codes, keeps harsh weather away, supports the structure, and maintains the aesthetics in the best way possible. 

Understanding every little aspect and detail that goes into installing an air conditioner for commercial space properly requires professional service. 

Onsite air conditioning service in Newcastle offers professional and reliable installation, servicing, and repairs for all types of commercial and residential air conditioners. Contact for a free quote today.